Fully Armed and Highly Dangerous

It's time to arm yourself against the kingdom of darkness so that you can fully flow in your anointing.

Sis, Do You Have a Calling on Your Life That Sometimes Feels Impossible to Achieve?

  • You know you have an anointing on your life but you haven't figured out how to walk in your anointing.
  • You want nothing more than to please the Father but the assignment He's placed on your heart seems impossible to complete.
  • Your soul is consistently telling you that you are made for more but your flesh won’t allow you to elevate to the person you were called to be.
  • You know you were created for a bigger purpose but you can't seem to identify what that purpose is.
  • You want to be able to operate in your anointing but you struggle with fear, doubt and overwhelm.


Join the Armored Bootcamp so you can start walking in your purpose and anointing with confidence and power.

Join Armored Bootcamp Today!


  • 30 Powerful Videos (easy to consume videos that will fill you with knowledge and encouragement every day for the next 30 days.)
  • Bi-weekly Zoom Calls (allows us to come together virtually to ask questions and fellowship with one another.)
  • Battlework (tasks that will help ensure you're applying the tools and knowledge you receive inside the Bootcamp.)
  • Members-only Community (for extra support as you go through the program (not hosted on Facebook).)
  • Assessments: (that will help you discover your strengths and weaknesses and how they can help you serve the body.)
  • Community Fast: (allows us to come together and fast as a community.)
  • Self-Deliverance Session: (learn how to perform deliverance on yourself and be able to get set free when you see the enemy operating in your life)
  • Deliverance Binder: (copy of my personal deliverance binder to use when you're experiencing spiritual warfare.)
  • Prayer Binder: (filled with ready-to-prayers when you're not sure how to pray over specific areas of your life.)
  • + PLUS BONUS #1: Unleash Blueprint: Self-Study (7-week program that teaches you how to equip yourself for spiritual battle.)
  • + PLUS BONUS #2: Unleash Vault (containing many life-changing challenges that will help you transform different areas of your life.)
  • + PLUS BONUS #3: 1:1 Strategy Sessions (personalized strategies tailored to your specific needs.)
  • + PLUS BONUS #4: Voxer Communication (a private space where you can speak openly and freely about the situations occurring in your life.)

Hey sis, I'm Christina, and I help sisters confidently walk in their anointing by defeating the kingdom of darkness so that they can step into their God-given calling.

Fully walking in your anointing is not always easy, believe me I know.

The moment I understood my anointing and agreed to fully walk in it is when the enemy started attacking.

As the scripture goes…all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.(Romans 8:28)

The more the enemy attacked, the more I drew closer to the Father which forced me to pick a side.

I was either going to fully commit to "walk in my anointing" or not operate in it at all.

Hmmm, serve the body, by completing the assignments God has placed in my heart or....Death...?

This was a no-brainer for me.

But this meant I would become a spiritual threat to the enemy and for me to be protected, I would have to learn how to equip myself for battle.

So, I began to increase my knowledge in my gifts and in spiritual warfare.

I began to build up my arsenal of spiritual weapons.

I began to take action towards completing my mission.

I began to strategically prepare for the enemy's counterattacks.

I began to operate in the power and authority the Father had given me.

Only after I equipped myself for battle and prepared myself to serve is when I was able to gain victory over the enemy and confidently step into my calling.

Once I figured out how to destroy the power of the enemy and step into my own God-given Power is when I was able to fully walk in my anointing.

I am now on an assignment to teach other sisters how to do the same.

Sis, what if you could operate in your anointing without fear, doubt, and overwhelm?

Better yet, what if you knew exactly what to do when fear, doubt, and overwhelm decides to creep in to distract you from your assignments?

Inside of Armored you’ll learn how to create personalized strategies & blueprint’s to protect you, your anointing and your family against the enemy. You'll also gain boldness & confidence in the power and authority you have over the kingdom of darkness.

Anytime The Enemy Tries To Attack, You'll Be Ready!

Do you know what happens when you finally start to walk in your Anointing, your Power, and your Authority?

  • You gain CONFIDENCE in your ability to serve the body because you have a better UNDERSTANDING of your assignments.
  • You have PEACE instead of STRESS because you understand how to strategically fight and pray for healing, deliverance, and protection - not only for yourself but also for your family.
  • Your life becomes more PROSPEROUS because you’ve learned how to BREAK the chains of bondage and generational curses over your life.
  • You LACK NOTHING because you fully understand that all your needs have already been met – therefore all that’s required of you is FAITH.
  • You are no longer a VICTIM to the enemy’s devices, you instead become an UNSTOPPABLE threat to the kingdom of darkness.
  • You wake up every morning PREPARED to tackle the attacks the enemy has planned for you because you have the SKILLSET you need to successfully rebuke those attacks.



An online 30-Day Bootcamp that teaches you how to live free of bondage, so that you can fully flow in your anointing.

  • A short video to watch and execute each day.
  • Bi-Weekly Live Zoom Calls.
  • Weekly Battlework.
  • Members only community for support and accountability.
  • Community Fast.
  • Assessments.
  • Self-Deliverance Session.
  • Deliverance Binder.
  • Prayer Binder
  • +Plus: Unleash Society Vault.
  • +Plus: Unleash Program Self Study.
  • +Plus: Voxer Days W-F.
  • +Plus: 2 Strategy Sessions.)

Regular price: $2222

Join Armored for $997

Payment options available


An online 30-Day Bootcamp that teaches you how to live free of bondage, so that you can fully flow in your anointing.

  • A short video to watch and execute each day.
  • Bi-Weekly Live Zoom Calls.
  • Weekly Battlework.
  • Members only community for support and accountability.
  • Community Fast.
  • Assessments.
  • Self-Deliverance Session.
  • Deliverance Binder.
  • Prayer Binder
  • +Plus: Unleash Society Vault.
  • +Plus: Unleash Program Self Study.
  • +Plus: Voxer Days W-F.
  • +Plus: 2 Strategy Sessions.

Regular price: $2419

Payment options available

It is possible for you to be anointed and live a peaceful, prosperous, powerful life - free of bondage, lack, and worry.

With the Armored Bootcamp you'll be able to:

  • Confidently live out your purpose without fearing what others might think, worrying if you're good enough, and doubting your capabilities.
  • Break generational curses assigned to your bloodline so that you can start experiencing the Prosperity and Abundance that the Father has for you.
  • Get excited about going to war rather than dreading it, now that you'll have a plan you can easily incorporate to ensure you fight FROM victory and not FOR victory.
  • Develop a more Intimate relationship with the Father that will allow you to become more determined than ever to fully operate in your anointing.
  • Never play small again by understanding that you were fearfully and wonderfully made and created with a purpose that only you can fulfill.

Sis, just image being able to:

  • Submit completely to the Father without hesitation, doubt, and fear.
  • Hear clearly from the Father as He pours ideas, instructions, and assignments into you.
  • Be used as a vessel to serve the body and draw people closer to the Father.
  • Stop the enemy dead in his tracks as he tries to attack you, your anointing, and your loved ones.

What are you waiting for, Sis?!
The Armored Bootcamp is here to help you confidently step into your anointing!

Check out the daily powerful videos you'll receive once you're inside the Armored 30-Day Bootcamp!

It gets even better! When you join Armored +PLUS, you'll also get exclusive access to some AMAZING bonuses!


(Included ONLY in +PLUS)

Unleash is a powerful 7-Week program that teaches you how to equip yourself for spiritual battle.

We dive deep into four topics: Intimacy with the Father, Prayer, Spiritual Warfare, and Deliverance.

This program sells for $2,000 but you'll receive it as a free Bonus when you join the Bootcamp.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • How to draw closer to the Father and develop unshakable faith in Him.
  • How to create personalized strategies & blueprint’s to protect you and your families against spiritual attacks.
  • How to gain boldness & confidence in the power and authority you have over the enemy.


(Included ONLY in +PLUS)

The Unleash Vault is your go to resource for drawing closer to the Father, boldly engaging in spiritual warfare, and growing together as sisters.

Benefits of the Unleash Vault:

  • Life-changing Challenges that will help you grow closer to the Father and boldly engage in spiritual warfare.
  • Done-For-You Strategies that help you tackle specific problem areas in your life.
  • Engaging Workbooks that will help ensure you complete the challenges with ease.

1:1 Strategy Sessions

(Included ONLY in +PLUS)

During the program, you'll receive 2 1-hour strategy sessions to ensure you're getting the support you need.

Benefits of these Strategy Sessions:

  • You'll have a mentor to help you through difficult situations or problems that may occur while in the program.
  • Spiritual warfare can be difficult. Trying to tackle it alone can lead to frustration and stress. These strategy sessions will allow you to get 1:1 support and/or advice during trying times.
  • Although we all can experience spiritual warfare, all spiritual warfare is not the same. These strategy sessions allow us to create personalized strategies for the specific warfare you're experiencing in your life.


(Included ONLY in +PLUS)

Voxer is an app with real-time voice messaging. You'll be able to use this app during the program to talk, get feedback, ask questions, or simply get support from me.

Benefits of Voxer:

  • Daily Voxer Access to me. This gives you access to someone who's in your corner for support and encouragement.
  • Easy & Convenient Support. A super simple way to communicate. When you need to talk, I'm just a voice chat away.
  • Private Communication. A private space where you can speak openly and freely about the situations occurring in your life.

Sisters Testimonials

Armored is an online Bootcamp that helps you gain clarity and confidence in your anointing so that you can start completing your God-given assignments.

This is accomplished through daily self-reflections, daily conversations with the Father, and daily combat against the enemy.

One more time, here's EVERYTHING you get when you join the Armored 30-Day Bootcamp!

  • 30 Powerful Videos (easy to consume videos that will fill you with knowledge and encouragement every day for the next 30 days.)
  • Bi-weekly Zoom Calls (allows us to come together virtually to ask questions and fellowship with one another.)
  • Battlework (tasks that will help ensure you're applying the tools and knowledge you receive inside the Bootcamp.)
  • Members-only Community (for extra support as you go through the program (not hosted on Facebook).)
  • Assessments: (that will help you discover your strengths and weaknesses and how they can help you serve the body.)
  • Community Fast: (allows us to come together and fast as a community.)
  • Self-Deliverance Session: (learn how to perform deliverance on yourself and be able to get set free when you see the enemy operating in your life)
  • Deliverance Binder: (copy of my personal deliverance binder to use when you're experiencing spiritual warfare.)
  • Prayer Binder: (filled with ready-to-prayers when you're not sure how to pray over specific areas of your life).
  • + PLUS BONUS #1: Unleash Blueprint: Self-Study (7-week program that teaches you how to equip yourself for spiritual battle.)
  • + PLUS BONUS #2: Unleash Vault (containing many life-changing challenges that will help you transform different areas of your life.)
  • + PLUS BONUS #3: 1:1 Strategy Sessions (personalized strategies tailored to your specific needs.)
  • + PLUS BONUS #4: Voxer Communication (a private space where you can speak openly and freely about the situations occurring in your life.)