Feeling Stuck on Your God-Given Business Journey?

Unleash Divine Breakthroughs and Prosperity with the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club.

We Begin On July 3rd, 2023!

Step into Your Faith-Based Business Journey Now!

The Unspoken Side of Business: Spiritual Warfare

Are you feeling like there's an unseen roadblock in your path to success?

You're not alone. In the world of entrepreneurship, there's a spiritual side that often goes unspoken. It’s the reality of spiritual warfare that can directly impact your business.

At the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club, we believe in equipping our members with the knowledge and tools to confront this reality head on.

As a faith-based entrepreneur, you may be faced with spiritual entities or negative influences that subtly or overtly hinder your growth.

These might manifest as fear, insecurity, self-doubt, comparison, lack of self-belief, procrastination, negativity, envy, greed, unforgiveness, and even isolation.

Each of these forces can drain your energy, distract your focus, and potentially sabotage your success.

We understand that discussing spiritual warfare may seem intense or overwhelming. However, acknowledging these spiritual realities is the first step in overcoming them.

It's about learning how to identify these forces, understanding how they operate, and developing strategies to counteract them, so that you can thrive in your business and your faith.

Inside the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club, we're not just focused on developing strong business strategies; we're also committed to helping you strengthen your spiritual armor.

Here's What We Promise:

  • Understanding: We'll shed light on the often-unspoken spiritual entities that can influence your business.
  • Knowledge: We'll equip you with the knowledge and understanding of how these forces operate.
  • Tools: We'll provide practical, faith-based strategies to counteract these spiritual obstacles.
  • Support: You'll be part of a supportive, faith-driven community who understands your journey.

Remember, the battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces (Ephesians 6:12).

Join us inside the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club as we learn, grow, and overcome these challenges together.

Remember, you are not alone in this journey. We believe in the power of community and the strength found in faith.

Together, we can rise above any obstacles and succeed in our God-given business missions.

Unlock Your God-given Potential with the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club

Let's take a look at how the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club will transform your business journey and align it with your God-given purpose:

Monthly Strategy Videos:

Our monthly videos offer profound wisdom and strategies directly inspired by faith.

By regularly engaging with these lessons, you can expect a strengthened spiritual foundation for your business. These are not just business strategies, but life strategies that bring you closer to your God-given purpose.

Interactive Workbooks:

Each workbook complements our monthly strategy videos, providing a space for reflection and application of each lesson.

These aren't just activities; they're pathways to revelations and insights that will steer your business decisions in line with God's plan.

Supportive Community:

This feature is more than just networking; it's fellowship with like-minded faithpreneurs.

By participating in this community, you gain a support system that understands your unique journey and aids in overcoming your specific challenges.

Exclusive Resource Library:

This well-curated library will be your go-to resource for inspiration, guidance, and motivation.

The power of this feature lies in its ability to equip you with the right tools whenever you need them, facilitating continuous growth and learning.

Spiritual Warfare Training:

The training courses on spiritual warfare are designed to empower you.

With these lessons, you'll gain an understanding of your authority, giving you the confidence to face and overcome the spiritual barriers hindering your progress.

Mindset Transformation:

With our faith-based mindset strategies, you'll learn to cultivate a perspective rooted in faith.

This transformation will reflect in your decision-making process, business management, and your overall approach to entrepreneurship.

Become a Founding Member of the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club today to Break Free from Fear, Doubt, and any Hindrance blocking your Business Growth.

We Begin On July 3rd, 2023!

Does it Feel Like Your Business is Falling Short of it's God-Given Potential?

You have a vision for your business, a calling placed on your heart by God himself. Yet, despite your dedication, your prayers, and your hard work, you sometimes feel like your business isn't aligning with that God-given potential.

It's like you've been given a map, but you're struggling to read it, and you're not getting where you feel God wants you to be.

Does This Sound Familiar?

  • You often find yourself questioning whether your decisions align with God's will for your business.
  • You sometimes feel there's an invisible enemy working against your business success.
  • Late at night, you find yourself worrying about the future of your business and yearning for a clear sign of God's guidance.
  • There are moments you feel isolated, fighting the battles alone, and you're longing for a community who understands your unique challenges.

Well sis, know that your current situation isn't the final destination.

Join the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club and transform your business into the prosperous, faith-filled enterprise you envision.

No more nights spent worrying, no more feeling like you're battling spiritual forces alone.

With our support, you'll gain the tools and understanding needed to conquer spiritual warfare, align your business with God's plan, and fulfill your God-given entrepreneurial calling.

Get Ready To Unleash the Full Power of Your Faith in Your Business?

Imagine a future where your business is not just a source of income, but a platform to fulfill your God-given purpose.

Picture waking up each morning with an unshakeable faith that guides your entrepreneurial decisions, feeling confident because you're not just building a business, but building God's kingdom.

  • Save Time and Energy: No more sleepless nights trying to solve business problems on your own. With our strategies and supportive community, you will save countless hours that were previously spent worrying and stressing.
  • Feel More Confident: By understanding spiritual warfare and learning to use your power and authority, you will feel more confident in tackling challenges that come your way. You'll lead your business with a renewed sense of purpose, firm in your faith and God-given calling.
  • Accomplish More: With God as your ultimate strategist, you'll unlock potentials and opportunities you never thought possible. You'll see your business grow, not just financially, but in its impact and purpose.

Your After Story: After joining the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club, you will feel empowered, supported, and aligned with your God-given purpose.

You will lead your business with unwavering faith, knowing that God's favor is upon you and your enterprise.

Picture yourself looking back, marvelling at the journey you've undertaken, grateful for the transformation, and excited for the future God has planned for you.

Are You Ready To Unleash the Full Power of Your Faith in Your Business?

Here's what you'll get:

  • Monthly Strategy Videos: Each video is designed to provide you with practical strategies so that you can operate in your power and authority with confidence.
  • Interactive Workbooks: By actively engaging with these workbooks, you'll gain deeper insights into your business and personal journey so you can make decisions with ease.
  • Supportive Community: By joining our community, you're gaining allies in your spiritual and entrepreneurial journey, a network that will pray with you, support you, and celebrate your victories.
  • Exclusive Resource Library: With these resources at your fingertips, you will gain the confidence to tackle any challenge that comes your way in your business journey.
  • Spiritual Warfare Training: Understanding spiritual warfare and how to combat it will give you the confidence you need to finally overcome the unseen battles hindering your business success.
  • Mindset Transformation: Through guidance, you'll cultivate a mindset rooted in faith, empowering you to face challenges with courage and lead your business with confidence.
  • Finally step out of the shadow of uncertainty that's been looming over your business. With Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club, you'll develop a God-centered business strategy that works for you and aligns with your values.
  • Start each day with enthusiasm for your entrepreneurial journey rather than anxiety, now that you're equipped with faith-based strategies and a supportive community to lean on.
  • Reclaim your peace of mind! No more endless nights worrying about your business decisions or your next steps. With the spiritual guidance and practical business strategies provided in our club, you'll be confident in your choices.

This club is ready to help you elevate your business and walk confidently in your God-given purpose.

Join the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club today and become an empowered, purpose-driven entrepreneur ready to make an impact in the world.

Your clients, your family, and most importantly, YOU are eagerly anticipating this transformation. Don't hesitate any longer. Take the leap and unlock your potential with us!

Wahoo! Everyone Loves BONUSES!

It gets even better! When you join the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club, you'll also get exclusive access to some AMAZING bonuses!

AWESOME BONUS #1: Blessed Progress: Faith-Based Goal Mastery Bundle - ($197 Value)

A comprehensive resource to support you in aligning your goals with God's purpose.

This bundle combines powerful tools, practical resources, and faith-based guidance to empower you on your journey of goal mastery and spiritual growth.

Features & benefits of this bonus offer:

  • Goal Planner - Guidance for God-Aligned Goals
  • Daily, Weekly & Monthly Planners - Time Management and Spiritual Devotion
  • To-Do List - Faithful Task Management
  • Habit Tracker - Cultivating Godly Virtues
  • Daily Journal With Prompts - Deepening Spiritual Intimacy

AWESOME BONUS #2 Writing the Vision and Making it Plain: Embracing God's Will for Faithpreneurs - Masterclass ($97 Value)

As faithpreneurs, it's crucial to understand the beauty and power of keeping our goals and visions simple, aligning them with God's will rather than manifesting our own desires.

Through this masterclass, we will explore the significance of surrendering to the Father's plan and how it opens doors to blessings beyond our imagination.

Available July

Features & benefits of this bonus offer:

  • Embracing the Simplicity of Vision
  • Surrendering to God's Will
  • Navigating Divine Opportunities
  • Practical Strategies for Writing the Vision

AWESOME BONUS #3: Faith-Based 30-Day Social Media Fast - ($97 Value)

Experience a life-changing transformation with our 30-Day Social Media Fast. Deepen your connection with God, build relationships, and create space for personal and spiritual growth.

The Faith-Based 30-Day Social Media Fast provides you with an opportunity to step back from social media, unplug, and prioritize your relationship with God.

Features & benefits of this bonus offer:

  • Deeper Purpose and Connection: Cultivate a stronger connection to God and discover a deeper sense of purpose.
  • Personal and Spiritual Growth: Create space for personal and spiritual development during the fast.
  • Focus on What Matters: Break free from social media distractions and focus on what truly matters in life and your relationship with God.
  • Strengthened Faith and Self-Discipline: Develop self-discipline and strengthen your faith in God.
  • Fresh Insights and Perspectives: Gain new insights and perspectives on life and your relationship with God.
  • Cultivate Thankfulness and Presence: Nurture thankfulness, satisfaction, and live fully in the present moment.

AWESOME BONUS #4: Deliverance: Your Guide to Getting Free and Staying Free - ($497 Value)

Are you longing for freedom from the chains that bind you? Do you desire to break free from the burdens that hold you back and experience a life of true liberation? Look no further!

This comprehensive program is designed to support you on your journey towards freedom, helping you navigate the obstacles and challenges that stand in your way. Whether you're struggling with addictions, negative thought patterns, or past hurts, this guide will provide you with the tools and guidance you need to break free and live a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Features & benefits of this bonus offer:

  • Understanding Bondage and Freedom: Gain insights into the nature of bondage and discover the path to freedom.
  • Practical Strategies for Overcoming: Learn step-by-step techniques to overcome obstacles and break free.
  • Spiritual Guidance and Support: Find solace and strength through faith-based guidance and scriptures.
  • Personal Reflection Exercises: Engage in reflective exercises to deepen self-understanding and uncover hidden strengths.
  • Maintaining Freedom: Discover how to sustain your freedom and establish healthy habits for lasting change.

AWESOME BONUS #5: The Praying Entrepreneur Challenge ($197 Value)

Discover the transformative power of prayer in your entrepreneurial journey with the Praying Entrepreneur Challenge.

Take your business to new heights with the Praying Entrepreneur Challenge. This 21-day program is specifically designed to help entrepreneurs harness the transformative power of prayer and elevate their businesses to unprecedented levels of success.

Features & benefits of this bonus offer:

  • Guided Prayer Prompts: Connect with God and seek His guidance for your business.
  • Business Transformation: Utilize practical exercises to transform your business through prayer.
  • Clarity and Focus: Gain a clearer understanding of God's direction for your business.
  • Overcoming Challenges: Overcome fear and uncertainty with the power of prayer.
  • Decision Making: Access divine wisdom for informed decision making.
  • Joy and Fulfillment: Experience fulfillment by aligning your business with God's principles.

From One Faithpreneur to Another

Hi, I'm Christina, and my mission is to empower faith-driven women entrepreneurs to conquer spiritual warfare, align their business with their God-given purpose, and flourish in their unique callings.

As a fellow faithpreneur, I've walked in your shoes. I've navigated the hurdles of spiritual warfare in business and came out stronger on the other side. Through my experiences, I've acquired the wisdom, strategies, and spiritual resilience needed to overcome and thrive.

I'm not just a business strategist; I'm a woman of faith, a wife, a mother, and an entrepreneur. I've been through the late-night worries, the self-doubt, and the sense of isolation. But I've also experienced the joy and fulfillment that comes with aligning your business with your God-given purpose.

With the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club, I want to share this journey with you. To equip you with the spiritual armor you need, and to offer you the strategies, support, and fellowship to help you thrive in your business while honoring your faith.

You're not alone in this journey, and with God and the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club by your side, you're more than capable of becoming the successful, confident faithpreneur you're meant to be.

Let's embark on this journey together!

Join the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club today!

Dive Into the Power-Packed Features of the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club

With this spiritually-aligned blueprint, you're about to usher in divine transformation for your life and business!

Here's what you'll love about the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club:

  • Step-by-step video lessons: Monthly lessons designed to take you on a journey through spiritual growth and business success. Each lesson is intended to equip you with the knowledge and tools to become more confident in your God-given purpose.
  • Strategic Blueprint: Our faith-based strategies provide you with a clear path to grow closer to God and receive His wisdom for your business.
  • Members-Only Community: Join our exclusive Facebook community, where you can connect with like-minded faithpreneurs. This community is here to support, inspire, and share experiences as you navigate the challenges and victories of faith-based entrepreneurship.
  • Spiritual Warfare Trainings: Learn the art of spiritual warfare and how to combat the forces that hinder your progress. In these workshops, we'll delve into strategies to overcome fear, doubt, imposter syndrome, and more, setting you on a path of unstoppable success.

Is the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club Right for You?

You'll LOVE this if:

  • You're a faith-based entrepreneur: This club is tailor-made for entrepreneurs who want to align their businesses with their spiritual values and believe in the power of divine intervention in achieving business success.
  • You seek faith-base guidance for your business: You want to align your business strategies with spiritual principles, and you're open to receiving faith-based blueprints for your business and life goals.
  • You're seeking a like-minded community: If you feel isolated in your faithpreneur journey and want to connect with others who share your values and aspirations, this is the place for you.
  • You're ready to engage in spiritual warfare: You understand that there are spiritual battles to be fought and won, and you're ready to learn the strategies and use your power and authority to overcome obstacles.

This isn't for you if:

  • You're not comfortable with faith-based principles: If the integration of faith and business doesn't resonate with you, then this may not be the best fit.
  • You're looking for instant business success: While we firmly believe in the power of divine strategies, real growth takes time. If you're looking for a 'get rich quick' scheme, this might not be the right place.
  • You're not ready to actively participate and apply the lessons: The Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club requires active participation and implementation of lessons. If you're not in a position to commit, you might not reap the full benefits of this membership.
  • You're not open to community support: A large part of this club is the community we're building. If you prefer to journey alone, this might not be your best choice.

Your Spiritual Roadmap to Business Success

Unveiling the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club Framework:

Inside the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club, we understand that navigating the intersection of faith and business can feel complex. But, you are not alone. We've developed a unique framework to support you every step of the way:


What if I'm new to entrepreneurship? Can I still join?

Absolutely! The Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club is designed to help both new and experienced entrepreneurs. Our resources and community can provide you with the guidance and support you need at any stage of your business journey.

I'm very busy. How much time will this membership require?

The beauty of the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club is that you can go at your own pace. You decide how much time to invest based on your schedule and needs. Remember, it's not about rushing through materials; it's about making meaningful progress in your business and faith journey.

Q: When will the official activities of the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club begin?

The official activities of the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club will commence on July 3rd. This is when our monthly activities, such as monthly trainings, group discussions, and special events, will kick off. We are excited to embark on this journey together with our exclusive community of faith-driven entrepreneurs.

Q: Will I have access to anything immediately after joining the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club?

Absolutely! While our official activities begin on July 3rd, as a valued member, you will gain immediate access to a selection of bonuses and resources waiting for you inside the club. These resources are designed to equip you with valuable tools, insights, and strategies to jumpstart your business growth and spiritual development.

Do I have to follow a specific religion to join?

The Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club is dedicated to incorporating faith into business practices, firmly grounded in our belief in the Holy Bible. Our strategies, beliefs, and principles are derived from the teachings of the Bible, making it the cornerstone of our club. Therefore, if you do not align with the teachings of the Holy Bible or adhere to a different religious belief, this club may not be the right fit for you. We prioritize creating an environment where like-minded individuals who share our faith and biblical values can come together to support and inspire one another in their entrepreneurial endeavors.

Q: Why is the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club only open to exclusive invitations?

The Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club is committed to creating an intimate and supportive community for faith-driven entrepreneurs. We believe in fostering meaningful connections and providing personalized attention to our members. By offering exclusive invitations, we ensure that the club is comprised of individuals who are genuinely committed to their spiritual and business growth. This exclusive environment allows us to deliver a high-quality experience and tailor our offerings to meet the specific needs of our members.

Is this only for business owners? What about freelancers or side-hustlers?

Our membership is for anyone looking to bring faith into their professional life - whether you're a business owner, a freelancer, a side-hustler, or even someone with a business idea you're excited to launch. The strategies and support we provide can be applied across different professional scenarios.

Will this membership really help me grow my business?

While we can't guarantee specific business results (as they greatly depend on individual effort and application), we firmly believe that the strategies, resources, and supportive community we offer can greatly contribute to your business growth and personal development as a faithpreneur.

How is this membership different from other business clubs or courses out there?

The Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club stands out because we blend faith and business together. Unlike other programs, we give you not just business strategies but also training in spiritual warfare - a key area often missed in typical business courses.

In this club, we teach you how to handle spiritual challenges that can impact your business. We believe that learning to deal with spiritual warfare strengthens you and your business, helping you face any hurdles that come your way.

Our mission is more than just improving your business. We aim to strengthen your spiritual life and deepen your relationship with God. After all, a business grounded in faith, with the right spiritual tools, leads to success that is not just profitable but also deeply satisfying and sustainable.

Why is the membership price currently set at only $9 per month, considering its significant impact?

Our mission at the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club is not just about business. It's about serving the body of Christ on a larger scale. We firmly believe that by supporting faith-based entrepreneurs, we're creating a powerful ripple effect of service that reaches far beyond the realm of business.

Right now, we've chosen to set our membership price at a modest $9 per month to remove financial barriers and allow as many faithpreneurs as possible access to the resources they need. We view this not as a price, but as an investment in your faith, your business, and ultimately, in your capacity to serve others.

Keep in mind, this introductory price is subject to change as we continue to develop and enrich our offerings. But rest assured, our guiding principle will always be to serve and to create value for our community. Let's embrace this journey of faith-based entrepreneurship together, leveraging our collective strength to serve on a larger scale.

Don't Wait - Embrace Your God-Given Business Potential Today!

You're just one click away from joining a community of faithpreneurs who are ready to merge their faith with their entrepreneurship. Don't put your dreams on hold. Make the move to step into God's vision for your business.

In the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club, you'll have the tools, resources, and support you need to face and conquer your challenges head-on. Don't let spiritual warfare hold you back. With us, you'll learn to tackle it head-on and come out victorious.

You have the potential. You have the vision. Now, you need the right support system. Join us today as a founding member and see how your business can thrive while being rooted in faith.

Join the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club today and transform your business journey!

We Begin On July 3rd, 2023!

One more time, here's EVERYTHING you get when you join the Faithpreneur Kingdom Business Club as a founding member!

  • Monthly Masterclasses - $97 Value
  • A Comprehensive Resource Library - $200 Value
  • Faithpreneur Frameworks and Templates - $100 Value
  • Monthly Challenges to keep you on your toes - $50 Value
  • Exclusive Access to Members-Only Community - Priceless
  • BONUS #1: Blessed Progress: Faith-Based Goal Mastery Bundle - $197 Value
  • BONUS #2: Writing the Vision and Making it Plain: Masterclass - $97 Value
  • BONUS #3: Faith-Based 30-Day Social Media Fast - $97 Value
  • BONUS #4: Deliverance: Your Guide to Getting Free and Staying Free - $497 Value
  • BONUS #5: The Praying Entrepreneur Challenge - $197 Value

That's a total value of over $1,500 But when you join us today as a founding member, you gain all of these incredible resources and bonuses for just $9/month!

Your road to fusing faith with your entrepreneurship journey begins here!

Join us today and see the transformation in your business journey!

Total Value: $1,500+

Founding Member Price: $9/month